Friday, August 14, 2009

"Tres Chocas"

You know how i said that the house we live in is right by a main street where big buses and fast cars drive by. Well today after coming home from a nephews martial arts belting ceremony, we parked the car by the street and rushed to the front door ducking one big bus after another. Rushing to get the kids safe indoors, my Dear Husband dropped the car keys on the seat inside the car and locked the door.
Come time to bring the cars into the garage, he noticed that the car keys were missing. We searched all over the, emptied our pockets and my handbag only to discover the keys on the seat inside the car. We tried picking the keyhole, using a wire hanger to lift the lock, inserting a machete between the glass window (like what they do on movies) but to no avail. We had most of the relatives and neighbors try their luck but all grunted and swore and cursed... still the doors wouldn't budge. DH's brother and nephews called friends and "cuate's" but either they're not home or out dancing or too drunk to come (it's Flyday... I mean Friday by the way).
Finally DH's cousin arrived from a prayer meeting and hopped in her son's "moto" to get someone. She came back 10 minutes later with another guy in another "moto" closely following her. This guy... quite young probably late teens or early twenties, then proceeds to pull out a long machete and a coiled wire, wiggled both expertly through glass and rubber, held his breath and click... the lock is lifted. He grabs the handle, opens the door and voila! Problem solved. " Me gusta un hombre de pocas palabras...quanto te debo?" asked DH. "Tres chocas" answered the guy. I looked inquiringly at my niece and she said "Setenta y cinco". My DH counts out the money, hands it to the guy who then shakes DH's hand, walked to his "moto" revs up and drives off. I tell you... all these happened in 2 minutes!

1 comment:

  1. Saludos Ann, hablas español? Que bonito tu blog, me encantan los slang de mi tierra Guatemala, que bonita familia tienes, Dios te ha bendecido con ella. Mira y hay más filipinos en Guatemala? Acá yo vivo en KSA no hay nadie más de Guatemala jejejeje, acá hay muchos filipinos la comunidad Pinoy es grandisima, ya casi habló Tagalo y sabemos.cocinar Sınıgan y Adobo jejejeje. Sabes por que se le llama choca a la moneda de 25 cnts?
